t: 023 80811 757

FSB Member


Grab bags delivered straight to your door.

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions:

  1. I have soil and rubble to dispose of, which bag is best suited?

    The 1 tonne maxi bag is suitable for this type of waste.  It is strong enough to be filled completely to the brim with concrete.

  2. I am replacing my bathroom suite, which bag is best suited?

    The 1.5 Wastebuster bag is large enough to accommodate a standard size bath intact.  You can also fill with mixed waste, such as plastic, wood, metal and tiles.

  3. Can I put plasterboard/gypsum in my bag?

    Yes, when the waste is sorted at a fully licensed recycling depot the plasterboard/gypsum is separated from other waste streams, in accordance with current legislation.

  4. Where can I place my bag?

    The bag should be placed within 3 metres of the public highway.  Overhead obstructions such as cables and trees should be avoided.

    If we have to leave the public highway to reach the bag eg. move onto your driveway, this is completely at your risk.

  5. What can't I put in the bag?

    You should not put any of the following into your bag:

    • Mattresses, Upholstered Domestic Seating including cushions, bean bags, sofa beds and stools.
    • Refrigeration equipment including aircon units and dehumidifiers
    • Car or Motorbike or any vehicle tyres
    • Televisions and Computer Monitors
    • Asbestos* or any other hazardous material or substance
      *or any substance which appears to be asbestos, irrespective of any analysis certificates. 
    • Any liquid chemical waste e.g. oil or paint
    • Food waste / Nappies / Animal Waste
    • Soil with high clay content – if you require further advice please contact the office

    If you are unsure about unusual waste, please phone us for advice.

  6. Where do you deliver to?

    See the map below to view our coverage area

  7. How high can I fill the bag?

    You can fill the bag right to the top.  To correctly fill a bag, make sure that you keep pulling the sides up as you fill to ensure that you get as much as possible in the bag to achieve maximum value for your money

  8. Can I use my own bag?

    Yes, we are happy to collect any bag that you own that is in good condition. Please see the price list for more details.

  9. Can I put soil and rubble in a Wastebuster?

    Yes, you can put some soil and rubble in a Wastebuster. If you are planning on filling the bag with lots or nearly all soil, you must place the bag where the lorry can get next to, and alongside the bag. The bag is strong enough to be completely filled with soil and rubble, but the lorry crane will not lift it at full reach, but it can at a shorter reach.

  10. Is there a time limit on how long I can take to fill the bag?

    No, there is no time limit on how long it takes to fill the bag. If you are going to take longer than a couple of months to fill the bag please let us know.

  11. How can I get rid of items that you don’t take eg. Fridge Freezer?

    We would recommend contacting your local councils bulky items collection service for this. Alternatively, you can take these items to your local HWRC.

  12. What times do your lorries operate?

    Our lorries usually operate Monday – Friday 8am until 5pm. You do not have to be present for the collection although we do require access to the bag.

  13. Can your lorries collect from the rear?

    We are not like a skip lorry as we load from the side. The cranes have to be located behind the cab as our lorries are tippers so they can discharge the waste at a licensed Waste Transfer Station where the waste can be sorted and recycled.

  14. Can I collect a bag from you?

    We do not have the bags in the office for you to collect, they are delivered from a warehouse directly to you. If you desperately need a bag you could purchase a bag which we are happy to collect. Please see customers own bag price list.

  15. Someone else has offered to pick up my Abbey Grab Bag, what should I do?

    The bags remain the property of Abbey Grab Bag and unauthorized removal of our bags is theft. There is a high probability that the bag containing the waste will be fly-tipped. We will co-operate with all relevant authorities to trace and prosecute the offenders and bag hirers.

  16. Can I hook the bag loops over my railings or fence posts?

    No, if you need to hold the bag open or up to assist loading, please use cable ties as they can be cut prior to bag removal.

  17. Can I put electrical items in my bag?

    Yes we are happy to accept electrical items, unless they have a big screen like a TV / Computer or contain refrigerant. Kettles, toasters, power tools etc are all fine to be placed into a bag.



Please note: The shaded area is for guidance only, there may be a boundary charge at the outer edges of the shaded area. Please call the office for further advice.