t: 023 80811 757

FSB Member


Please fill out the short form below and the collection of your full bags will be arranged. 

We aim to collect your bags within a few working days but if you need this to happen sooner, please do give us a call.  

After this form is completed, we will contact you to arrange payment.

Fields marked with a * are required

Full Name:*
Telephone (Home):
Telephone (Mobile):*
Abbey Maxi Bags to collect:*
Abbey Wastebuster Bags to collect:*
Abbey Monster Bags to collect:*
Customer's Own Bags to collect (E.g. Builder's Merchant 1 Tonne, Jewsons, Travis Perkins, etc. ):*
Hippo Midi 1 Tonne to collect:*
Hippo Mega 1.5 Tonne to collect:*
Hippo Skip Bag 1.5 Tonne to collect:*
Please tell us what's in the bag(s):
Builders/Construction Waste
Household Clearance
Bathroom refit
Soil and Stone
Soil and Rubble
Clean Rubble/Concrete/Hardcore
What 3 Words (Get my W3W)
What 3 words is a unique service that lets you tell us exactly where to collect your bags with only 3 words. Then we won't get lost trying to find you!
  • Click the link above to open W3W in a new window
  • Enter your address in the search box on their site
  • You'll be presented with 3 words, click the icon that looks like 2 pages together
  • Right click the box below and paste your 3 words into there
  • This is entirely optional and NOT required
Further Collection Information:
By ticking this box, you accept our terms and agree that you have completed this form accurately to the best of your knowledge. If there is any discrepancy between the details above and the actual collection, you accept there may be a surcharge before collection can proceed.

Finally, just to prove you're not a robot:*
Read our Privacy Policy to learn what we do with your information

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